The longest swim
On 7th April 2007 CE, the swimmer Martin Strel completed an incredible journey. He swam the entire length of the Amazon River! This was the longest swimming journey ever.
Martin set off from Peru on 1st February and arrived in Brazil 5 sixty-six days later. The Amazon River in South America is a very dangerous place. It is home to the bull shark, which is the most
dangerous shark to humans. He said that his best protection from predators was a group of pink dolphins. These friendly creatures accompanied him every day, swimming alongside him. Martin
10 kept up a strict routine during the Amazon swim. He stopped for a short break each day for lunch. Every day he swam around eighty-four kilometres.
Before he completed this amazing journey, Martin had already broken other records. He swam across the English Channel in 1997 CE, and then became the first man to swim across the Mediterranean, from Tunisia to Italy, in the same year. Then, between 2000 CE and 2004 CE, he swam the River Danube in Europe, the Mississippi in the USA, the Paran in Argentina and the Yangtze in China.
He also broke the record for the longest continuous 20 Swim as he swam around 504 kilometres
non-stop down the Danube.
-Read the text and then answer the following questions:
1- Many rivers are mentioned in the text .Write two of them.
2- What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
3- Suggest a suitable title of the text.
4- Quote the sentence which shows that Martin swam the river Danube without taking a break.
5- The writer states that the Amazon River is a very dangerous place. Is he justified ? Explain.
6- During the journey,Martin did two things daily. Write them down.
7- What helped Martin to keep himself safe from the bull shark during the swimming in the Amazon river ?
9- Find from the text words with the following meanings:
- habitat
- started
- animals that catch other animals for food.
- very dangerous fish.
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